Thursday, May 7, 2020

Diversity At The Work Place - 853 Words

Diversity at the work place has over the years become a matter of serious discussion. This is because there is a need to stop the common stereotyping that has been in existence over the years. There has been a need to guarantee that there is diversity at the areas of work to ensure that each individual is given an opportunity to work. This is only possible if there is an end in discrimination, this is because discrimination is the major factor that affects diversity in organizations. Looking at a worldwide established company such as Microsoft, diversity is a major aspect that they adhere to. This is because, being an international company, it needs set standards that other companies look up to. A wide range of people from different†¦show more content†¦Microsoft can also attribute part of its success to work diversity (Syed, amp; Özbilgin, 2010). This is because, being a worldwide company, it is expected to ensure that there is diversity. Through being diverse, the company has been able to attract more clients since there is no discrimination since the company has open up its doors in different countries with different beliefs. Through embracing diversity, it has been possible for Microsoft to broaden its services. Through having companies in different countries with different languages, Microsoft has created employment to individuals who market their products and services in foreign countries. This has been significant in ensuring that the company meets its overall business goal which is providing its services globally. Diversity also ensures that there are varying viewpoints. This is because every individual has an opinion regarding a particular matter that may be essential in improving service provision. A diverse work force ensures provides an opportunity for better services through thorough evaluation of the already existing ideas. Through this, it is possible for the company to meet all its clients’ needs as there is a larger perspective of all available issues. There is also an increase in productivity in a diverse working environment. This is because each individual is encouraged to work to t heir best capacity which results in high output. Microsoft has

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